Vlogmas Live 1: WIPs, FO's and Fasten Off Yarn-A-Long
Published at : December 06, 2022
#knitting #knitpodcast
We are heading to the end of the year and for the first time I'm taking part in vlogmas - or I'm calling it livemas because I'll be livestreaming. For me first one, I'll be sharing my WIPs, updating on what's been going on with me, and making final decisions on my Fasten Off Yarn Along 2022 pattern purchases!
Fasten Off YAL 2022: http://www.wipinsanity.com/indy-event/script.cgi?TYPE=page&VALUE=home
Half Fade Hap Shawl by La Visch Designs https://www.lavisch.com/site/half-fade-hap/
Snap Shot by Natash Sills (GrittyKnits) (You'll need to scroll down the page to see it) https://www.grittyknits.com/Browse.aspx?categoryid=111
SPECIAL NOTE: This isn’t easy for me, however, these videos are offered for you to enjoy for free. But, creating these videos take time, resources, and Coffee! If you’d like to leave me a SuperThanks I would greatly appreciate your generosity. Any SuperThanks will be reinvested back into this channel so I can grow and improve this channel. Thank you!
If you prefer you can also Buy Me a Coffee: ko-fi.com/carriecraftgeek
Affiliate Links and Featured Products:
As an Amazon Associate and Affiliate of the below sites, I earn on qualifying purchases. I always disclose an affiliate program in which I take part. Thank you.
Amazon Knitting & Crochet: https://amzn.to/2QHndrm
The Woolery: https://woolery.com?aff=301
Paradise Fibers: https://bit.ly/3e2pYCP
Etsy: https://tidd.ly/3gGojyj
Knit Picks: https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=726901&u=2515910&m=59159
Lion Brand Yarn; https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1026079&u=2515910&m=72611
Lovecrafts: https://www.lovecrafts.com?utm_medium=affiliate&a_aid=3dfef217
Those Two Guys Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu62C7cm5say4EB0nZOaQ_9mLEZ2VzUnR
Western versus Eastern Style Knitting: https://youtu.be/Q4whMiGhprU
Duplicate Stitch: https://youtu.be/zQgdrKY7nN4
00:00 - 7:30. Introduction
7:30 - 17:28. Finished Objects and a Cold
17:29 - 32:50 Thanksgiving and WIPs
34:55 - 43:58 Those Two Guys Update
44:30 - 1:00:55 Gift for Me: My New Needles
1:00:55 - 1:54:05 Fasten Off YAL 2022 Pattern Sale
1:54 - 1:59:42 Wrap Up
I've been knitting for over 20 years and I'm here to share my passion with the world. I'm also a geek which means I'm constantly researching knitting techniques so you don't have to. Please subscribe to my channel to stay up to date on all my latest and greatest.
And get the BTS on my channel and bonus information at my blog: https://carriecraftgeek.com
TWITTER: @carriecraftgeek
MASTODON: @carriecraftgeek@mstdn.social
FACEBOOK: @carriecraftgeek
Ko-Fi: Carrie CraftGeek
We are heading to the end of the year and for the first time I'm taking part in vlogmas - or I'm calling it livemas because I'll be livestreaming. For me first one, I'll be sharing my WIPs, updating on what's been going on with me, and making final decisions on my Fasten Off Yarn Along 2022 pattern purchases!
Fasten Off YAL 2022: http://www.wipinsanity.com/indy-event/script.cgi?TYPE=page&VALUE=home
Half Fade Hap Shawl by La Visch Designs https://www.lavisch.com/site/half-fade-hap/
Snap Shot by Natash Sills (GrittyKnits) (You'll need to scroll down the page to see it) https://www.grittyknits.com/Browse.aspx?categoryid=111
SPECIAL NOTE: This isn’t easy for me, however, these videos are offered for you to enjoy for free. But, creating these videos take time, resources, and Coffee! If you’d like to leave me a SuperThanks I would greatly appreciate your generosity. Any SuperThanks will be reinvested back into this channel so I can grow and improve this channel. Thank you!
If you prefer you can also Buy Me a Coffee: ko-fi.com/carriecraftgeek
Affiliate Links and Featured Products:
As an Amazon Associate and Affiliate of the below sites, I earn on qualifying purchases. I always disclose an affiliate program in which I take part. Thank you.
Amazon Knitting & Crochet: https://amzn.to/2QHndrm
The Woolery: https://woolery.com?aff=301
Paradise Fibers: https://bit.ly/3e2pYCP
Etsy: https://tidd.ly/3gGojyj
Knit Picks: https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=726901&u=2515910&m=59159
Lion Brand Yarn; https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1026079&u=2515910&m=72611
Lovecrafts: https://www.lovecrafts.com?utm_medium=affiliate&a_aid=3dfef217
Those Two Guys Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu62C7cm5say4EB0nZOaQ_9mLEZ2VzUnR
Western versus Eastern Style Knitting: https://youtu.be/Q4whMiGhprU
Duplicate Stitch: https://youtu.be/zQgdrKY7nN4
00:00 - 7:30. Introduction
7:30 - 17:28. Finished Objects and a Cold
17:29 - 32:50 Thanksgiving and WIPs
34:55 - 43:58 Those Two Guys Update
44:30 - 1:00:55 Gift for Me: My New Needles
1:00:55 - 1:54:05 Fasten Off YAL 2022 Pattern Sale
1:54 - 1:59:42 Wrap Up
I've been knitting for over 20 years and I'm here to share my passion with the world. I'm also a geek which means I'm constantly researching knitting techniques so you don't have to. Please subscribe to my channel to stay up to date on all my latest and greatest.
And get the BTS on my channel and bonus information at my blog: https://carriecraftgeek.com
TWITTER: @carriecraftgeek
MASTODON: @carriecraftgeek@mstdn.social
FACEBOOK: @carriecraftgeek
Ko-Fi: Carrie CraftGeek
