Paper 185P Pilate Fears Jesus May Be of Divine Origin

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Published at : August 23, 2022

Paper 185P Pilate Fears Jesus May Be of Divine Origin

And now did Pilate comprehend that it was futile to appeal to their supposed feelings of pity. He stepped forward and said: “I perceive that you are determined this man shall die, but what has he done to deserve death? Who will declare his crime?”

Then the high priest himself stepped forward and, going up to Pilate, angrily declared: “We have a sacred law, and by that law this man ought to die because he made himself out to be the Son of God.” When Pilate heard this, he was all the more afraid, not only of the Jews, but recalling his wife’s note and the Greek mythology of the gods coming down on earth, he now trembled at the thought of Jesus possibly being a divine personage. He waved to the crowd to hold its peace while he took Jesus by the arm and again led him inside the building that he might further examine him. Pilate was now confused by fear, bewildered by superstition, and harassed by the stubborn attitude of the mob.

THE URANTIA BOOK – Paper 185:6.6 –
THE URANTIA BOOK – Paper 185P Pilate Fears Jesus May Be of Divine Origin