World Bank warns of 'significant' inflation risks stemming from high energy prices

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Published at : October 22, 2021

세계은행 "내년까지 에너지가격 고공행진…인플레 위험"

The World Bank says skyrocketing energy prices will fuel significant near-term risks to inflation in many developing countries through the middle of next year.
In its latest report Thursday, the World Bank said energy prices are expected to go up more in 2022 after soaring more than 80 percent this year.
It projects oil prices will hit up to 74 U.S. dollars a barrel next year, citing climate change and the pandemic as the reasons.
It advises countries to accelerate their renewable energy strategies and reduce their dependency on fossil fuels.

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2021-10-22, 08:00 (KST) World Bank warns of 'significant' inflation risks stemming from high energy prices
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