the WORST questions i could find
Published at : October 21, 2021
today we looked at the dumbest questions I could find, enjoy.
Beefstew: https://www.twitch.tv/beefstew
Pokay: https://www.twitch.tv/pokay
Editor: https://twitter.com/GeekDotExe
▶Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNPbOeFo-qM0wpis8Lwdig
▶ My Twitter: https://goo.gl/Mb0iME
▶ My Twitch for the Livestreams: http://goo.gl/9K6T7R
▶ My Instagram: https://goo.gl/Jr8dN7
▶Outro Video: videos that might be illegal | 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geYMBkFEBYs
Today I looked at the worst questions I could find on the internet on quora (basically yahoo answers or r/AskReddit but worse.) You've probably seen questions like these on channels like kingani, penguinz0, SSundee, and SSSniperwolf. If you have never seen quora questions or yahoo answers questions its pretty similar to stuff you'd normally see on forums like reddit. A lot of the time the humor is similar to r/texts, r/niceguys, and r/creepyasterisks on reddit. If you enjoyed check out my other videos like unusual videos, videos that might be illegal, perfectly cut screams, text messages with threatening auras, and discord messages with threatening auras.
Beefstew: https://www.twitch.tv/beefstew
Pokay: https://www.twitch.tv/pokay
Editor: https://twitter.com/GeekDotExe
▶Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNPbOeFo-qM0wpis8Lwdig
▶ My Twitter: https://goo.gl/Mb0iME
▶ My Twitch for the Livestreams: http://goo.gl/9K6T7R
▶ My Instagram: https://goo.gl/Jr8dN7
▶Outro Video: videos that might be illegal | 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geYMBkFEBYs
Today I looked at the worst questions I could find on the internet on quora (basically yahoo answers or r/AskReddit but worse.) You've probably seen questions like these on channels like kingani, penguinz0, SSundee, and SSSniperwolf. If you have never seen quora questions or yahoo answers questions its pretty similar to stuff you'd normally see on forums like reddit. A lot of the time the humor is similar to r/texts, r/niceguys, and r/creepyasterisks on reddit. If you enjoyed check out my other videos like unusual videos, videos that might be illegal, perfectly cut screams, text messages with threatening auras, and discord messages with threatening auras.

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