일반인 피트니스대회 도전기! Let the general public challenge the fitness competition! #홈짐 #미라클모닝 #어깨운동 #가슴운동

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Published at : October 06, 2021

#홈짐 #미라클모닝 #어깨운동 #가슴운동 #피트니스대회

9월30일 어깨, 가슴 운동 영상입니다.
새벽 4시에 졸면서 싸이클 타는 기분이란..

This is a shoulder and chest workout video on September 30th.
It feels like riding a bike while sleeping at 4 in the morning... 일반인 피트니스대회 도전기! Let the general public challenge the fitness competition! #홈짐 #미라클모닝 #어깨운동 #가슴운동