How To Manage Inventory on Amazon FBA - sellerboard Tutorial

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Published at : October 13, 2021

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In this sellerboard tutorial with Jenny Adams, you will learn how to use sellerboard's Inventory Management feature that allows you to track your Amazon FBA inventory and sends notification alerts once it's time to place a new order with your supplier.
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🔶 Questions answered in the video:

➤ 00:00 Amazon FBA inventory management
➤ 00:36 About sellerboard
➤ 01:03 How to use sellerboard inventory management system
➤ 03:00 How to read the data inside the inventory management
➤ 04:28 Product settings
➤ 06:02 Sales forecast
➤ 06:46 Recommended quantity
➤ 08:00 Filter results by marketplace or by product
➤ 08:31 Import and export data

sellerboard is a profit analytics and management accounting software for Amazon sellers.Their job is to make sure you know your true numbers in real-time. sellerboard takes all expenses into accounts, such as returns (including the cost of damaged returns), storage fees, long-term storage fees, inbound shipping, and about 70 other “hidden” Amazon fees and lets you drill down into every product, variation, fee, and any period of time. On top of this, sellerboard features an inventory manager with automated restock alerts, an email campaign tool for review generation, and the “Money Back” reports which you can use to request reimbursements from Amazon for lost and damaged products.

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Known in the business simply as the “Amazon Summits Guy”, Augustas is committed to providing others with the opportunity to achieve success by offering powerfully informative expert sessions and guides to becoming a top Amazon seller. He has recorded over 400 sessions with Amazon industry leaders, experts and speakers. Augustas is also the founder of Orange Klik Company and the following in-person events for Amazon sellers: European Seller Conference, Seller Fest and PPC Congress.

Orange Klik connects Amazon FBA private label sellers with leading industry experts to help you turn your online business into a massive success. No matter if you are a beginner, still figuring out how to make money online, or an advanced Amazon seller with a strong experience in eCommerce, on this channel you will find up-to-date tips and expert recommendations for sellers of all levels of experience.
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#AmazonFBA #sellerboard #AmazonPPC How To Manage Inventory on Amazon FBA - sellerboard Tutorial
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