Destiny 2: Forsaken Goes Into The Destiny Content Vault (& Thoughts)
Published at : October 13, 2021
We all knew it was a going to happen soon or later, but Forsaken is the next victim of the Destiny Content Vault. There are some silver linings though.
Information - 0:00
Thoughts - 3:02
Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50752
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Epic Games Store Creator Code: HelloDatto
Danielle's Advanced.GG code: TRVL at checkout (Datto has no affiliation with advanced.gg)
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Information - 0:00
Thoughts - 3:02
Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50752
5% discount on ASTRO gear: http://www.astro.family/DATTO (works in all available regions)
Save $50 dollars when you buy a pre-built PC from Evolve PCs when you use code DATTO at checkout: https://www.evolvepcs.gg
Epic Games Store Creator Code: HelloDatto
Danielle's Advanced.GG code: TRVL at checkout (Datto has no affiliation with advanced.gg)
Need a good chair? SecretLab has you covered, use my referral link here: http://bit.ly/DattoChair (United States and SE Asia Only)
If you enjoyed the video, a positive rating is always appreciated.
Datto Does Destiny Social Media:
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DattosDestiny
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Datto

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