Prayer to discern who are teaching the truth

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Published at : September 29, 2021

Qadash = holy, Rawchaa = spirit

The so called American Negroes, Latino’s and Native Americans are the real biblical Hebrew Israelites. The people in Israel right are Romans who stole our land and identity.

Our LORD an Saviour are so called darskins with white woolly hair. The real name of God = YAHAWAH ( he exists), and of his son Jesus = YAHAWASHI ( he delivers). YAHAWASHI died for the sins of Israel only. So now we need to call upon the name YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI, meaning God in the name of his son. This in Hebrew, the holy tongue of our nation Israel.

The 12 tribes of Israel are scattered across the world, but this is the correct indication of where they mostly are.

Southern Kingdom
JUDAH= American Negroes
BENJAMIN= West Indians(Jamaica)
LEVI= Haitians
Northern Kingdom
SIMEON= Dominicans
ZEBULON= Panamanians to Guatamalians
EPHRAIM= Puerto Ricans
REUBEN= Seminole Indians
GAD= North American Indians
ASHER= Brazilians to Columbians & Urugayans
NAPTHALI= Argentinians to Chileans
ISSACHAR= Mexicans Prayer to discern who are teaching the truth