Free Fire upcoming characters & pet and their abilities explained
Published at : September 19, 2021
There are a plethora of unique elements present in Free Fire, with pets and characters being two of the most notable ones. They aren't simply for cosmetic purposes, and the abilities they possess have a significant influence on the game's overall gameplay.
Garena usually brings new pets and characters to the game with each new Free Fire update, and the list has expanded over time. At the moment, there are over 15 pets and 40 characters available for purchase.
Before the features are added, they are tested in the Advance Server. Presently, the OB30 Advance Server is going on, and it includes two new mystery characters and a new pet.
Garena usually brings new pets and characters to the game with each new Free Fire update, and the list has expanded over time. At the moment, there are over 15 pets and 40 characters available for purchase.
Before the features are added, they are tested in the Advance Server. Presently, the OB30 Advance Server is going on, and it includes two new mystery characters and a new pet.

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